Capturing Emails for Marketing Purposes

Capturing Emails for Marketing Purposes

We live in a very interesting age where communication is key.  There is no time in history like today where anyone from across the world can communicate more quickly and efficiently with a product or business no matter your location.


As a business owner, you understand the importance of communicating with people.  You know you have

Email marketing is a great way to communicate to your audience.  Even those who may not be interested in the business are what would be called an “influencer”.  They have friends and contacts that may be interested in your business and could inadvertently get you, customers.  Email marketing is a relatively inexpensive way to market when compared to a billboard, online marketing, magazine and newspaper ads.  It is cost effective and allows you to be personal with your customers and audience in a way you cannot in other marketing avenues.  

Contact List

In email marketing, the more organized your contact list of prospects is the more potential customers you will attain through email marketing.  Organize your contact lists based on your audience’s’ needs, interests, and classifications. This allows you to personalize your emails based on these specifications.  

Don’t Get confused with “mass email” and “emailing to the masses”.  Not everything should be automated messaging.  Eventually, you must get into personalized emails and messages.

Personalize it

The age we live in is bombarded with so much advertisement and as a result, our attention span is so very limited.  Therefore, you have a very brief window of time to capture someone’s attention. For instance, when a person receives hundreds of emails daily, most emails do not even get open.  They immediately get deleted.  However, when an email includes the person’s name, they are more likely to pause, open and read it.   The more you personalize, the more response you will get.  

When people begin to receive information that is helpful you begin building relationships. An email gives you the liberty to be personable in a way other marketing avenues don’t allow. You can’t make a billboard or facebook post personable to each potential customer individually, but you can with email marketing.   When using email marketing always come across in a personal real way. Don’t be “salesy” and don’t use generic email templates. Being personable attracts your audience to your business and what you have to offer.

Know your Audience

Email marketing is very measurable.  With email, you can know how many were sent out, how many were opened, when they were opened and if they responded.  You have the capability to know how many times an email was opened.  This is obviously very valuable information.  

Email marketing also allows you to test your emails.  You can do “AB” testing on what is sent.

Use two differently worded emails to test what is working, what is not. Once you know, make corrections to create a successful email marketing strategy.

Email marketing gives the company the ability to see the level of commitment from potential customers and/or members.

Through email,  the system has the ability to learn what works for each customer in reaching them.  FIfty-two percent of cellphone users access their email through their phone.  As a result, make sure your emails and advertisements are mobile friendly.

Collect email addresses

There are programs out there to help collect email address.  Programs like Infusionsoft and Active Campaign are examples of programs you can use.   Do your homework before you jump into an email marketing system.  Be sure you get a good system that is user-friendly, practically priced and scalable to your growing business.

A Way In  

On your website, there should be a way for people to enter their email address to subscribe to a newsletter, e-book, blog, etc.  This is such a great way to get a person’s email address.  Provide value, a call to action or a simple “ask” for the customer to give their email address to you.

Integrate a way for people to subscribe to your newsletter. Whether it is on your website, business card, facebook business page, blog, etc., point people to a page or way in which they can subscribe.


Do not do this in email marketing

Do not buy a list of names and personal information.  This is considered spam.  If this is done enough you will be blacklisted.  Be sure you have permission to market to people.  You will not gain a healthy customer base by doing business the lazy way.  Put in the effort and work to build your customer list,  learn who they are, and build a relationship with them.

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